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Tuesday 20.AUG.24 - Saturday 24.AUG.24

Well Walk

Come and explore wellness through walking and talking in community


Following the fun of exploring the Green Chain Walk last year, Well Walk will stimulate you to explore your own life while walking in possibly unexplored green spaces of London! Each day will start a new location with thought-provoking input and discussion about living life well, followed by a stretching walk with ample time to discuss what you have learned, and to enjoy the more beautiful parts of London!

London View



Tue 20 - Sat 24 August



Starting from one of our centres in London, we will walk to different locations every day


10:30 - 12:00 - Life skills workshop

12:00-13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 16:30 - Walking


Participants should bring a packed lunch/money to buy lunch every day. Tea and coffee will be provided in the morning sessions.

Apply for a place

Thanks for submitting!

Fashion Shoes

The Living Room Club builds community in towns and cities in London  and the UK through shared interests. We are a cafe, gallery and events space. Access our friendly programmes - art, fitness, photography, baking, languages and many more… Classes and events are free to members - join when you arrive!

© 2023 Living Room Club

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